The Heartbeat of Life's Rhythms for Gil Golpe & Family

Welcome Elf

SoWhatDoYaThink Elf

ThisIsExciting Elf Hi!, Gil Golpe here, formerly known as "EJVJ" for "Electronic Journalism VideoJournalist" , or "Wiz" (short for "Mountain Wizard" from my first CB days), and most recently "Gramps" which I'm very proud of at such a tender age!!

I am presently looking for work after a management position with a Global Financial Bank vaporized with the global slowdown.

Quite a change from where I worked before, freelance video work for the NBC Network, WCBS, numerous Sponsors and as an AFTRA Producer in the New York City Area. I left NBC as a Live News Cameraman where I worked for over twenty years of my life. Most of my years were with NBC News, New York, the Flagship Station. I began at the NBC Network working with Live Studios Electronic Maintenance and started by putting in the Master Grid computer and new studio controllers. Changing the face of Live Network programming.

I've been very fortunate with all the people I have met. The famous and the not-so-famous, the infamous and the wannabees. All have a story to tell and I have enjoyed helping them tell their stories and learning from each of them. There is still a lot of LIFE out there and that is why I enjoy my work, my family, and my friends.

God Bless,

Gil :)

Magic Elf P.S. The pictures above!?! On the left, above, is a picture with my first grandchild, Eric Craig (Junior), taken in Smokey Mountains National Park in Tennessee.

You can see my sons together in the next youthful picture - a handsome lot, Eric, Bill and Michael.

Then there is a collage, from the left with Eric Craig (Jr.)., Eric (Dad) holding Caitlyn, Clyde, below, Cynthia (Mom), and Claudette to the right at Disneyland. In this next picture, the way that time flies, I feel that I have blinked looking at the young ones now.

Among the newest members to the Golpe Clan is young Tyler, he is seen here with Mom, Paulina, and Dad, Bill at graduation.

As you can see from the lower pictures Carolee, my Editor-In-Chief, gives a signature as to content while her daughters, Donna, left, and Elaina, right, sandwich our Grandson Dylan on a visit to the East Coast seashore.




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